We are thrilled to have you join us for Season 12 of the Ricmotech World Challenge. We are always working to provide our members the most realistic racing experience possible and the race fans with the best possible viewing experience possible. Our goal is to present racing events that reflect positively on you as drivers and on the RWC Series. For that to happen, you as drivers must bring a high level of race-craft and approach racing situations as if there were real-life consequences. If we treat the series as just an arcade video game, it won’t be a satisfying racing experience for you and the fans of the series.
That being said, we also hope you will have fun with this series. If an incident happens, let’s give each other the benefit of the doubt and allow the stewards to review what happened and implement any appropriate penalties. In many aspects, the sim-racing on iRacing is very realistic. But in other aspects, sim-racing presents different challenges – for example side-to-side distances are very hard to judge, there isn’t that seat-of-the-pants feel for the edge of traction, and there are internet connection issues (“net-code”) that may contribute to incidents. Below is information you need to prepare for this series. Welcome and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
1. Driver / Member Registration - IMPORTANT
If you have already registered, please proceed to section 2.
If you are reading this, you have successfully registerd on our website and you have likely already registered for this season by visiting the store and selecting your car, class, and entering your iRacing details.
2. Joining the League on iRacing
Shortly after you register for the series you will receive a league invite from the League on iRacing, and once you have accepted the league invite you can now go to the “Leagues” menu, click “My Leagues” and search for “Xtreme Motorsports Sports Car Series”. Or click "Up Next" and you should see any upcoming league practice and race sessions for your series. If you do not see an invite to the Leage in your Notifications menu (the little bell in the top right corner of the iRacing UI), you can go to "Leagues", click on "Find a League", enter 2648 and this league should come up. Apply to the leage and we will accept you in.
3. Xtreme Scoring Software
XMS Racing provides drivers with an in-depth Scoring and Paint software system allowing drivers to view extensive scoring data, driver aggregate data, as well as XS Ratings (iRating). As part of this software is included a paint program where members can load their paints for a given season and assign a team manager to handle them as well. To submit your paints, you will need to log in or setup a new login with xtremescoring.com
*Note: Once logged in to Xtreme Scoring you do not need to purchase credits. The league provides the Scoring & Paint services as a part of your registration fee.
Using the Scoring web app:
Once logged in go to your My Data button on the left menu.
This will display all aggregate data and a Paints button to the right for all series that you supply paints.
Follow this link for further instruction on loading your paint: Driver Adding a Paint
Using the paints downloader:
Download the paints installer from the link in the right menu.
Ignore any warnings that may pop up saying the file isn’t known by Windows or by anti-virus software, click on the options to run it anyway. The program is registered with Windows.
Check all Boxes, make sure the “iRacing install path:” is correct for the drive and directory where you installed iRacing.
In the pull-down menu, pick “Ricmotech Sports Car Series” and click Start.
This should place all the drivers paint files into your folders
If the paints do not come up at first, click CTRL + R on your keyboard this will refresh your paints.
IMPORTANT: Once you install the program it will automatically close your Trading Paints (if you use Trading Paints) when you run it, this is intentional so that you only see the paints the updated loads onto your system for the race session. After the race you can run Trading Paints again if you wish for your other iRacing events.
We recommend you re-run the paint updater every race day, so you have all the correct paints in case there were updates from the prior week.
Keep in mind, our Broadcast Partners run the software on their own system as well so if your paint may not be showing up on your system it will appear on the broadcast.
4. General Livery Guidelines
XMS Racing strives to maintain professionalism, and to that end we use a QA process to ensure our broadcasts maintain the appearance of a well organized event.
Download the guide for your car of choice from the league's Discord server (more info below). Use the guide to make certain your own sponsor logos do not interfere with or otherwise obscure required league contingency decals.
Turn off the iRacing decal layer and the league guide before submitting, both in the main livery file and the spec map (if using a spec map).
Do not submit a MIP file for your spec map. The league processes the spec map into the MIP file during the QA process.
You may use a custom number on the rear of the vehicle. It must be placed and sized appropriately, and be easily seen by competitors and our broadcasters (including spec map corrections - no chrome numbers!). If no custom number is used, the league will stamp a default number on the rear.
You are free to use any design you wish for your pit board; the league no longer requires numbers on those parts.
Follow general iRacing guidelines for the appropriateness of the livery. No adult themes, tobacco products, or publicly traded companies with whom iRacing does not have an active partnership or for whom you cannot provide proof of permission to use their branding. You may also not use "parody" logos of such brands.
Do not submit liveries from Trading Paints with the iRacing decals blacked out. We require a "clean" livery.
The league may allow tribute/parody liveries at its own discretion. However if the league is contacted with a complaint you will have to submit a new livery.
5. Rulebook
As a member of the series, you will always have access to the rule book via the website using the link in the right-hand menu.
6. Live Race Broadcasts
All races will be broadcast live on YouTube at ApexRacingTV. The Broadcasts will cover qualifying and the race. As we will have post-race podium finisher interviews. You should treat these media opportunities just as you would in real-life.
7. Live Race Steward
There will be a live race steward monitoring the race. His role will be to enforce good race-craft and to issue in-race penalties when warranted. Those penalties may include warnings, drive-throughs, and stop-and-go penalties. The race steward is experienced with stewarding sim-racing events and understands the challenges that are unique to sim-racing.
The Race Steward will intervene when necessary to make sure everyone maintains a high- quality racing experience, and to alleviate drivers feeling they must retaliate for incidents on their own – please rely on the Race Steward to fairly deal with incidents. As stated in the Rulebook, there is also a software system for imposing post-race points penalties when warranted by on-track conduct.
8. Weekly Practice Sessions
The series hosts (8) 2-hour practice sessions on Wednesday’s, Thursday’s & Sunday’s before each race. The schedule, on the landing page of your series, reflects two dates. The first date is the first practice day of the week and the second is the race day on Monday’s. They will launch at the times listed below. You will be able to find them on iRacing under the “Leagues” menu at “League Sessions.”
Wednesday: 5:00pm-7:00pm EST & 7:00pm-9:00pm EST
Thursday: 8:00pm-10:00pm EST & 10:00pm-12:00am EST
Sunday: 4:00pm-6:00pm EST, 6:00pm-8:00pm EST, 8:00pm-10:00pm EST, 10:00pm-12:00am EST
9. Race Day Schedule
Race day event schedule is posted and updated regularly on the website for this specific series and can be found via the Raceday Specs/BOP link in the menu on the right.
10. Logging into the Races / Spotters
Race Locations: You will find the races under the League Sessions in iRacing. Search for the session with this series name (“Xtreme Motorsports Touring Car Cup Series”) and then to the right click to join the session.
Primary Drivers: You as a driver will login as usual through the League Sessions menu on iRacing.
Spotters: The spotters will log in via the iRacing spotter section of iRacing. Spotters must not log into the actual league session or else they will show up as a driver. If you are spotting you may only spot using iRacing's “spotter” section of the Member's Page.
Follow these steps to the Spotters section on the New UI Page:
Click on Leagues in the left menu
Below click on League Sessions
Now go over and click on League Races and find the correct room, find the driver you are spotting for and click on his/her green headset button to the right of their name. This will you log in as the crew chief/spotter for that car.
11. Race Bulletin
Each week we post a bulletin on Discord about that week’s race. It will provide you the critical information needed for that specific event. Start zones, track specific information weather conditions etc.
12. Points and Prizes
The championship points system and prizes are detailed in the Rulebook and may be amended by supplemental regulations distributed to you during the season.
13. Communications
Our Discord channel is a requirement for all members as it is where we hold pre and post race driver meetings, and serves as our primary information hub. We are continuing to move away from older methods such as email and prefer instead to use a community method to keep our drivers updated. You will find our Discord invite in the menu on the right.
If you need a team channel set up as you are not using your own Discord for your team channel, we are happy to provide you one in the Xtreme Discord.